Guides and articles » Upsell functions » Opportunities for offers and discounts

Opportunities for offers and discounts

There are many possibilities (and a few limitations) when it comes to creating offers and discounts in your online shop.

Offers - on individual items

Add this option by searching for "offers". After the option is enabled, you can create offers for your items under the "Prices" tab.

An offer will also apply to all variants of the item, unless the variants have price override enabled.

Offers - multiple items or categories

It is possible to create an offer that applies to multiple items or categories at once. The option can be found under "Settings > Global offers".

Quantity discount (single item)

Add this option by searching for "quantity discount". After the option is enabled, you can create offers for your items under the "Prices" tab.

A quantity discount will also apply to all variants of the item, unless the variants have price override enabled.

A quantity discount is displayed on the product page as follows: "For purchase of X: Y kr". The text can be changed under "Appearance > Default texts".

Quantity discount (multiple items / product categories)

It is possible to create a "global volume discount" that affects many items or product categories at the same time. Read more about the option here.

Discount codes

With discount codes you can create a special discount that is triggered by entering a discount code in the shop. The discount can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the order amount.

The discount can also be set to be triggered when a certain order amount is reached.

The customer must enter the discount code when placing an order. You can control the position of the discount code entry under "Appearance > Basket".

Each discount code has its own URL (www address) that you can use to send to your customers. When the customer uses the special URL, the discount code is automatically added to their order.

It is only possible to enter one discount code per order, and a discount code cannot be "shared".

Discount codes can be created under "Settings > Discount codes".

Create your own package offers

If you want to create a bundle offer, simply create a new item and set its price to the desired discount price. The item can be described as consisting of multiple items, for example "20 mixed pairs of socks" or "10 pairs of white and 10 pairs of black socks".

It's also possible to create combination items here if you want to use the stock functionality of bundle offers.

Differentiated prices

If you want to give selected customers access to special prices on your products, you can do so via Customer Groups.

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