Global volume discounts
It is possible to create a quantity discount that "covers" multiple items and variants.
The discount must be created as a percentage and is triggered when a certain number of items are added to the basket.
A 10% discount will therefore mean that an item that normally costs 100 DKK will be available for 90 DKK when the quantity discount is achieved.
It is possible to select and deselect product categories to be included in a global volume discount. It is also possible to select and deselect individual items.
- If an item is included in a global quantity discount (which has been achieved), any quantity discount created directly on the item (local quantity discount) is ignored. If the global quantity discount has not been achieved (high enough quantity in the basket), the local quantity discount is applied.
- If an item is included in a global quantity discount and the item is also on offer, the offer price will be used. In other words, you get a double discount on the item.
- If an item is included in a global volume discount and a discount code is used that gives a discount on the item, both discounts will be applied. This results in a double discount on the item.
- If an item is included in a global volume discount and the item is also purchased via a favourable B2B price (requires the use of customer groups), the B2B price will be used to calculate the new price after the volume discount.
- A global volume discount does not affect items purchased as an option.
It is possible to create offers where the cheapest item(s) in the discount is given for free. To do this, click "Advanced" where you edit a global quantity discount and use the field "Discount only applies to X cheapest items". See the video at the bottom for an example.
It is possible to create labels that are displayed on product boxes when the item is (potentially) included in a global quantity discount. The option is available by creating a new label (Appearance > Promotions/Additional sales > Labels) and selecting the type "Global volume discount".
Tell us about your volume discount campaign
Unlike volume discounts that are created locally on an item, it is not possible to automatically show an overview of global volume discounts to your webshop visitors. Therefore, it is important that you publicise the opportunity to receive a discount yourself.
This can be done, for example, by advertising the opportunity in a newsletter, on social media and in various places in the webshop.
If the global volume discount is centred around a product category, it makes sense to draw attention to it on the front page of the product category.
It is also possible to advertise a discount campaign via a pop-up or a page section that is added to the top/bottom of all pages (Appearance > Top and bottom).
VIDEO EXAMPLE: Buy three and get the cheapest for free / buy 3 and pay for 2