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Hide shipping/delivery steps in basket

If you have items that are not shipped/delivered or physically picked up, it may make sense to hide the shipping option in the basket.

For example, when selling gift cards, e-books, courses or treatments.

In addition to hiding the delivery step in the basket, this will also remove the shipping amount line and delivery address in the order confirmation and on the invoice. It will also remove the ability to enter an alternative delivery address in the basket.

Firstly, find the tool by searching for "delivery" in the large search box. Once the tool is activated, you can find it in the item editor under "Advanced".

The basket will now be customised to skip the delivery step IF all items have this setting enabled.


The shipping method selection is hidden during order placement, but not removed. A shipping method will still be assigned to the order (the first/upper shipping method available), even if the information is hidden.

It is therefore important that you customise your shipping methods so that a shipping fee is not added to this type of order.

You can do this, for example, by creating a new shipping method called "Booking" or "E-books". And then use the options to lock shipping method and items together.

The shipping method used for the order will also appear on the order confirmation and invoice. If you want to change the heading (Shipping method: Name of your shipping method), you can do so under "Appearance > Default texts".

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