Guides and articles » Design » Link to section / scroll down

Link to section / scroll down

It is possible to create a link (button, link, menu item) that links to content at the bottom of a page.

When you click on such a link, you automatically scroll down to the desired content.

This can be especially useful if you use a single front page with no subpages. And where all content is displayed on one long page.

1. Insert a "Jump to" section where you want to "land".

2. Create a link to the new section. This is done by using the link tool, which can be found in many places in the administration. NOTE if you add a link on the same page as you have the "Jump to" section, you may need to refresh the page to see the new option in the link selector.

See video examples below.

Add section and create links from a text section + from the top menu

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