B2B, customer groups and differentiated pricing
There are many different tools to support B2B commerce in the online store.
Customer creation / login
First, your customers must be created. You can do this by creating them in the administration under the menu item "Customers". However, you can also make it possible for your customers to register via the webshop.
1. Go to "Customers" in the left menu
2. Tap the cogwheel in the top right corner
3. Select the desired option and save
Customer groups (B2B) and differentiated pricing
If you want to give your B2B customers differentiated prices, you first need to activate "Customer groups".
1. Search for "customer groups" and enable the option
2. Create a new customer group and call it for example "B2B"
3. Move your customer to the new customer group
4. Set your items to use a different price for the new customer group