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Add a certification to your webshop and create more security for your customers


e-mærket Denmark's largest and oldest certification scheme for webshops. As an e-mærket certified webshop, you get many benefits, including legal help/savings, buyer protection (up to 10,000 DKK) and annual service check and ongoing monitoring.

the system is approved by the e-mærket as a "Type Approved Webshop Solution", which means you can get certified extra quickly and at prices.

Once you are certified, you can add the e-mærket widget to your webshop, so your customers can see that they can shop with confidence.

The integration is included (at no extra cost) in the following subscriptions

  • Light
  • Standard
  • Pro

How to get started

  • Apply for certification on the e-mærket website
  • e-mærket carries out a legal review of your webshop
  • If changes need to be made to the webshop setup, will help with this
  • Once the certification is approved, we make sure that e-mærket is correctly installed in your webshop

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