Terms and conditions and privacy policy

Product and definitions
ideal.shop provides an internet-based service (hosted website/webshop) aimed at companies. The service allows companies to manage a website where they can trade with their own (end) customers. The service is hereinafter referred to as the website.

The buyer of the ideal.shop service (the website) is referred to as the customer.

These terms and conditions govern the relationship between ideal.shop and ideal.shop's customers.

It is the customers' own responsibility to inform their own customers of the terms and conditions on the website.

Changes to the product
ideal.shop reserves the right to change, add and remove options and elements from the product if it is judged to improve the solution. This means, for example, that the design of a website can be changed/adapted continuously to follow trends and technological developments and to support new forms of consumer electronics where the website can be used. Furthermore, ideal.shop can update the text templates for e.g. cookie, sales and delivery terms if it is deemed to affect the individual website in a positive direction (for example, to comply with current and new rules and legislation).

Prices and pricing
Creating an ideal.shop website is free. As a free customer, you can use the entire ideal.shop website service with a few exceptions. It is not possible to complete an order on the website before a subscription has been created. It is not allowed to use ideal.shop's free demo period to run an active/public website.

Information about prices for an ideal.shop subscription can be found here.

All prices on the ideal.shop website and other material are stated without VAT unless otherwise stated.

Prices for ideal.shop's current services may be adjusted once a year based on changes in the market and in the net price index published by Statistics Denmark based on the month of October. Adjustments will take effect on 1 January of the following year. Adjustments are notified at least one month in advance by e-mail to the website owner.

How to pay
To activate a website, the customer must link a payment card to their account.

The amount due is invoiced at the beginning of each month based on the previous month's usage.

The customer always has the option to delete and/or change the card associated with their account. This is done via the customer's login under the account shortcut in the bottom left menu.

All payments are handled externally by Quickpay, Clearhaus, Worldline and NETS through secure and certified channels. The following payment cards can be used: Dankort, Visa, Visa electron, Mastercard, Maestro. No payment card information is stored at ideal.shop.

For all forms of payment, an e-mail receipt is sent to the customer's e-mail address and an invoice is made available for download via the customer's login.

24-month warranty
ideal.shop endeavours to provide a stable and secure service. Customer satisfaction is our guarantee for future business. If the customer is dissatisfied with the service provided, ideal.shop can be contacted to investigate any outages and errors. If it is judged that the delivered service does not live up to the product description, the customer can either refunded an amount relative to the subscription cost for the affected period, or have the current subscription extended free of charge. The customer must complain within 2 months after the fault or defect has been discovered.

It is possible to cancel a subscription and/or close an account at any time. This is done via the customer's login by going to the account shortcut in the bottom left menu. In both cases, any amount owed must be paid to ideal.shop at the next month-end.

It is not possible to transfer or withdraw excess subscription days or positive balance.

Upon cancellation of a subscription, ideal shop ApS may choose to delete a customer's website and associated uploaded/generated material (data and files etc.). Before any form of deletion, the customer will be informed at least one month in advance.

ideal shop ApS reserves the right to terminate a customer's subscription or shut down a website with immediate effect if it is judged that the customer's website uses an unreasonable amount of resources, if the website poses a danger to the stable operation of other websites or if there is suspicion of any form of abuse or offence. In these cases, ideal shop ApS shall, as far as possible, first try to find a solution that does not cause downtime for the customer's website.

ideal shop ApS reserves the right to cancel a customer's subscription or shut down a website with immediate effect if it is judged that the customer's website is operating in violation of applicable law.

Complaint option using Tryghedsmærket
You can create a complaint via Tryghedsmærket and try to resolve the issue in co-operation with the website and Tryghedsmærket before you complain using the options above.

You can create the complaint here: https://tryghedsmaerket.dk/complain

Data Processing Agreement (personal data protection)
By entering into an agreement between ideal.shop and the customer, and by accepting these terms and conditions, the attached data processing agreement is also accepted.
The agreement contains the framework and obligations of ideal.shop in particular towards the customer regarding security and processing of sensitive personal data.

Data Processing Agreement

The Data Processing Agreement defines, among other things:

The following information is collected from the customer: Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address. If the customer runs a business, we also ask for: CVR number and company name.

If the customer wants help setting up card payments through a payment provider such as Worldline, Quickpay, Clearhaus or NETS, ideal.shop will pass on the necessary business and personal information to the payment provider in question.

The personal data is registered with ideal shop ApS and stored for up to five years after the customer cancels their subscription and closes their website, after which the data is deleted.

The data controller at www.ideal.shop is Martin Bay Pedersen.

As registered with ideal shop ApS, the customer always has the right to object to the registration. The customer also has the right to insight into what information is registered about them. The customer has these rights under the Personal Data Act. Enquiries in this connection should be sent to info@ideal.shop

Request deletion of data
If you want data deleted faster than via automatic processes (described above), please send your request to: support@ideal.shop

The service is provided by the company:

ideal shop ApS
Jyllandsgade 4, 1.mf
7400 Herning, Denmark

CVR/VAT: DK38505262
Phone: +45 42 90 02 03

Subject to change without notice
ideal.shop reserves the right to continuously change and update applicable terms and conditions.

Copyright © 2022 ideal.shop. All Rights Reserved.