Social responsibility (CSR)

As a 100% digital company, we are (fortunately) well placed to focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in various areas, including several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

On this page, we describe some of the areas we are actively working with.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals

We particularly work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals in category 8.

8.1 Annual economic growth per capita shall be sustained in accordance with national circumstances and, in particular, at least 7 per cent gross domestic product (GDP) growth per year in the least developed countries.

8.2 Higher economic productivity shall be achieved through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high value-added and labour-intensive sectors.

8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent jobs, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and promote the formalisation and development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services.

  • Our primary task is to reduce the overall resource consumption associated with running online sales.

    This applies to the number of working hours/employees, but also physical resources such as letters, invoices, physical meetings, etc
  • We use Google Cloud as the primary supplier of data centre services for our platform.

    We chose Google Cloud because we found that they go to great lengths to create the most environmentally friendly solutions.

    Furthermore, they have great transparency regarding carbon emissions.
  • We never use physical shipments or materials internally in our company. All communication, marketing and bookkeeping is done digitally.
  • Our employees primarily work from home. Customer meetings are primarily handled online.

    In addition to working more time-efficiently, this also means we save a lot of petrol for transport + other resources for physical offices.
  • When we work with integrations for our platform, we look at many factors.

    The development of a single integration can be very extensive and expensive, so all aspects are considered. Including the CSR aspects of a desired integration.

    If an integration is judged to be beneficial in terms of sustainability or other socially responsible aspects, we are more likely to take on the task.

    Example of an integration with good CSR values: RE-ZIP

Do you have any questions?

You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions about our CSR policy.

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